Linda Hutchinson
Cleveland, OH
Study-Black, White & Yellow
Brock Winans
Cleveland, OH
Gyre Print
The Dormers frame and embellish the roof windows
The phrase Rock N' Roll was coined by DJ Alan
Freed in Cleveland in 1951. Our ten-foot tall Fender Stratocaster pays homage to Cleveland's special affinity to the music that changed a generation. Our guitar is part of a larger Cleveland-based charity project called GuitarMania, in which guitars are decorated, painted and otherwise embellished by local artists and national celebrities.
The dragon (or salamander, as he is called by some) breathes stylized bursts of fire.
The Dormers frame and embellish the roof windows.
The gargoyle faces exude
an air of gothic mischief.
Damon Reaves
Cleveland, OH
Recent Shadows,
D, E, I, J, M, N, 0, R, S (left to right)
Mixed media
Yoel Benharrouche
Bonnie Dolin
Cleveland, OH
University Circle
Oil pastel on paper